This is the place for creative migrants who want to show the world their better side.

I'll give you a tour. BTW: I'm Vero!

© Ana Torres, All Rights Reserved

Everything changed when I stopped letting the migration office decide what I do next.

Before I was a coach, I was on my way to getting German citizenship by doing everything the immigration office told me to do for 6 long years. And TBH, I didn’t question once if their list of requirements was aligned with what I wanted to do.

It wasn’t until I started receiving coaching that I realized the problem wasn’t how much work I was putting in, it was forgetting the projects I really wanted to work on.

Now, I’m here to help migrants decide what they want to do, trust it’s possible, and take the steps needed to get it. Because being in charge of how you spend your days doesn’t have to be so hard.

This is where we:



We connect to who we are and want to be to show up for others and do our part for the world around us.



Because creativity isn't only for a few selected people: we can ALL create and nurture our creative side.



We prioritize laughter, experimentation and joy. We do things just for fun, because life is not only our list of chores.



We learn something new every day to be better humans, partners, friends, parents, neighbors, bosses, artists, and so on.


Long story short, I forgot to nurture my creative side.

© Ana Torres, All Rights Reserved

I’ve been tagged as a creative since I was able to use a crayon. Studying Graphic Design and organizing events for others was the start of my life as a professional creative—I always felt lucky to be one of those. After finishing my studies I was in a good place. Venezuela, on the other hand, was not. So around this point, I decided to migrate.

I left the crisis in 2014 and moved to Berlin with 10€ and a box of insulin. Next thing I know, I’m doing everything I can to survive and forget about any dreams and hopes for the future. My main goal was to feel safe and at home, and my life script became:

"Once I have _____ (a room to sleep, enough German, a Master's, a safe job, permanent residence) then I would be happy and free to do whatever I want."

Spoiler alert: it didn’t work that way. I just kept making my decisions based on what the immigration office wanted instead of asking myself what I wanted. And when I finally got the basics covered (the home, job, permanent residence, partner, and adorable dog) I realized I didn’t know what I wanted to do with that.

I felt lost, and confused: now what?

Luckily, coaching found me. I realized I forgot to nurture my creative self while being in survivor mode. I started doing things just for fun, without a goal, and to ask myself: what do I want to do with my days? and how could I make it happen? And that's when a better side was born: a place where I help you connect to your favorite side, and be fully yourself wherever you are.

Now I support migrants and creatives like you to decide what you want, believe you can get it, and make things happen for yourself.

Random things about me:

ice cream

I was diagnosed in 2007 with type 1 diabetes on World Diabetes Day (Nov 14)


I love plants, but many of mine don't manage to survive the winter in Berlin


Both of my tattoos mark the beginning and the "end" of my migration story 


I also love trying new things: from sewing to improv theater, I just can't get enough


I wish I was good at singing or playing music—I do have an adorable ukulele


One of my goals is to publish a collection of my stories and illustrations


Vero's standout quality as a coach is that she is an amazing listener. She helped make sense of my muddled thoughts and feelings with compassionate calm, which left me with a renewed sense of direction.

—Helen Rydstrand. Born in Australia, living in France.


Let's do this thing.

Whether you need 1:1 coaching, a workshop facilitator, or a speaker for your next event, I’m here to help.

a better side


a better sides offers online coaching, workshops and resources for migrants & creatives in Berlin.


Let's stay in touch!

Get monthly letters with tiny stories, pictures of Héra, and tips about life as a creative migrant + small business owner in Berlin.

© 2024 a better side. All rights reserved.