Get in touch!

If you are interested in 1:1 Coaching:
You can book an intro call here so we can get to know each other better, and I can answer all your questions.

For business inquiries, please send me an email to:

And for quick questions, free resources, info about my workshops, and pictures of my dog:

vero smiling

Your questions,
my answers:

☁ Do you only work with migrants?

My workshops are open to everyone, especially the ones around creativity and coaching skills. Almost all my coaching clients are migrants, and I believe they are the ones who can benefit the most from my services. That said, if you are not a migrant but identify as a creative, or would like to nurture your creative side, I can also support you. If you are considering working with me, the best would be to book an intro call so we can talk and decide if we want to work together.

☁ What do you mean by creative?

I truly believe we are ALL creative, and that creativity is not the magic power of a selected group of people. We are creative when we put our touch on something we cook when we decide how to dress, or when we problem-solve in our unique way. Creativity is more than being crafty or drawing well, and there are tons of creative outlets to try.

☁ What’s the difference between coaching and therapy?

I like the following image: if you feel you are underwater drowning, you can’t manage to take care of yourself, and need immediate help to get back up, you might need therapy. If you feel like you are floating with the basics covered but need to decide in which direction to swim or want support with your swimming technique, you might benefit from coaching.

It’s not always black and white since therapy and coaching include many specializations. Most of my clients have either worked with a therapist or are working with one in parallel to coaching. For me, that’s the ideal scenario as, even with my training and certifications, I’m not qualified to treat mental health conditions (such as anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, and so on). What I can do: help you change the way you see yourself and your surroundings, support you to work on your projects, make you feel more confident and at ease, and teach you self-coaching techniques.

☁ What’s your approach to coaching?

I trained in Transformational Coaching, which helps me support my clients in questioning how they see themselves, other people, and their surroundings, and replacing the ideas they have that are not supporting them. A common example: “As a migrant, I need to do more and work harder (because I’m not enough)” could be replaced by “As a migrant, I’m already working twice as hard as locals, and I can allow myself to rest (because I’m enough)”.

Although my sessions are mostly conversational, I include elements of somatic coaching, mindfulness, visualizations, and creative exercises. I also like to bring my background as a designer and researcher, bringing design thinking skills to the mix. It’s important to me to transfer my coaching skills to my clients, so they can continue using the tools on their own.

☁ What kind of payment plans do you offer?

For coaching packages, we can negotiate what payment plan would be best for you, but I usually offer to pay in 2 or 3 installments. Keep in mind that all coaching sessions must be paid in advance.

☁ I love what you do! Can we collaborate?

If you have an idea for a collaboration, send me an email to with your proposal. Please be as specific as possible (what, when, how, why,...), and consider how the collaboration would benefit both parties. I’ll get back to you ASAP.

☁ Who's your designer / illustrator / photographer?

As my background is in design, I do all the design and illustration for a better side. I have worked with different photographers over the years, and you can check all the names and contact details in the Site Credits section.

a better side


a better sides offers online coaching, workshops and resources for migrants & creatives in Berlin.


Let's stay in touch!

Get monthly letters with tiny stories, pictures of Héra, and tips about life as a creative migrant + small business owner in Berlin.

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